Nutrisystem Auto-Delivery

Saturday July 27, 2024

One of the aspects of the Nutrisystem program that confuses some customers is the system called auto-delivery.

While most people understand this side of the program, there are some who are not aware of how it works or the consequences of being unaware of its rules.

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Nutrisystem auto deliveryForewarned is forearmed, after all!

You might think that getting customers to sign up for auto-delivery might sound pretty underhand at first blush, but when you stop to consider the company's position it is actually pretty fair.

Of course you need to know about it before you sign up for the program because it's important so that you can avoid any unnecessary additional costs that you may not have otherwise been aware of.

Here are the reasons why:

Why Auto-Delivery Anyway?

Whatever you may think of it as the creator of a convenient, low-cost diet program, the company is in this business to make a profit.

When they advertise a great offer, like money off the first month or free weeks of food, someone still has to pay for that, and if the customer isn't paying, then the company is. That means they don't get a profit. Why?

Well, the delivery driver still has to be paid for shipping the food to your home. The raw ingredients for the food have to be paid for. The company employees have to be paid for preparing the food and packaging it up.

The customer support people have to be paid for taking your calls. All up the line, people have to be paid and that money comes out of the price the customer pays for their diet.

The Price is Right

The diet plans are priced so that everyone gets paid and the company makes some profit. We all know that a business that doesn't make a profit is soon going out of business, so a profit must be made!

So when a special offer cuts deep into not just the profit but also the money for paying the company employees, the company needs to make that shortfall up and they do it by getting customers to buy a second month of food at the regular price. This is all part of the cost overall, so please be aware that this is the way that this delivery system works.

How to Stop Nutrisystem Auto Delivery

The main thing to remember when considering putting a stop to auto delivery is to be sure you really want to cancel your diet and if the answer is "Yes," then to go about it the right way.

That would be to telephone 1-800-585-5483. This is the current number given out on the official website (correct at the time of publishing this article's latest update).

You cannot cancel via the website, so don't waste your time trying and getting all frustrated.

The next thing you must be aware of is that if you are still in your first month and you took advantage of a promotional discount offer, there is a penalty for early cancellation (i.e. before the second delivery of food is shipped).

You will have to repay the difference between what you paid and the full price of the first month of food. You may also be liable to repay the shipping cost if you got free shipping.

This penalty may be deducted from your credit card you used to sign up with, so it's difficult to prevent it happening. But this is the catch when you accepted the initial discount deal. If you thought you were going to get a cheap one-month diet and then cancel, sorry to tell you that won't fly.

This information is also published on the official Nutrisysten website, which you can read for yourself by clicking your mouse on the image below. Once you have been redirected to their website, simply scroll down to the bottom of the Nutrisystem home page and you'll find it in the "Terms" box.

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Yes, count me in! I know I need to lose weight as easily as possible and improve my quality of life!

More information can be obtained by reading my other articles here on covering this popular diet meal delivery program. I provide a great review of the Nutrisystem diet program, while deciding if Nutrisystem really works when using the extensive collection of diet meals that are available to all customers who sign up.