Sometimes there are questions that are pretty commonly asked but not always so easy to find the answers to quickly and painlessly. This site I'm sure isn't any different. So to help visitors to find fast, direct and simple answers to common questions about losing weight and general health, this page of Frequently Asked Questions has been assembled.

Over time the list will grow as more questions get asked that can easily be answered here in a short paragraph or two, where a full blown article would not be necessary. We hope this improves the site and makes it more helpful and useful for our visitors.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What is Weight Loss Genius?

A: There are several types of diet program that are promoted as "Genius" although there is no actual program of that name. It should be remembered that success in losing excess weight is more often due to a person's commitment to achieving their goal than to relying on a particular program to make it happen for you.

Several intelligent nutritional plans that cleverly provide a selection of foods and nutrients to facilitate the loss of weight for dieters have been formulated over the years. These include Atkins, Dukan, South Beach Diet, HGC Diet and several others. Their success and popularity owe more to clever marketing than to actual capability, although many people have gained successful results with them.

Q: Why Do People Gain Weight?

A: There are a number of factors at work in the process and different people will react in different ways to certain factors. The only true constant that can be reliably cited as a definite cause of the gradual increase in a person's body mass is the over consumption of energy units (calories) in excess of what the body can use up on a day to day basis.

In simple terms, it means if you eat (and drink) more calories than your body can burn, it will store the excess (sugars) as fat. The gradual increase in body fat is what most people see as the visual appearance of increased body mass. This is more commonly known as getting fat!

Q: Are Starvation Diets Safe and Do They Work?

A: No, they are not safe and in the long term, they generally do not work! While a person will inevitably lose a lot of stored fat and body mass through prolonged starvation, it is common to regain it all once they start eating normally again. The negative effect of this strategy is that the body undergoes extreme nutrient deprivation which can lead to malnutrition, adverse medical conditions or even in rare cases, death.

The expert advice is: Do NOT use this strategy under any circumstances!

Q: Should I Eat Less Sugar?

A: Absolutely. Many studies confirm that by drastically reducing our intake of refined sugar (sucrose) and high fructose corn syrup (NFCS), we can dramatically reduce the amount of dangerous visceral fat that is stored in the abdomen. The resulting positive effects on health can be similarly dramatic. For more information, please read our full article here: Cut Down on Sugar.

Q: Should I Stop Drinking Soda?

A: Absolutely. In similar fashion to cutting down on sugar intake, avoiding drinking soda will make a massive difference to your weekly calorie intake as well as make big improvements in your general health. Please read our article that covers this point here: Why You Should Avoid Soda.

Q: Can I Lose Weight Without Exercise?

A: Yes you can, although it is not the best approach to the problem. Exercise is necessary to boost the body's metabolism which causes it to burn more energy (calories) each day. Exercise also helps to strengthen muscle tissue and help prevent the loss of bone density.

However, eating a healthy, wholesome and portion controlled diet is the first step to halting weight gain.